Tuesday, September 28, 2010

what is a mom for?

Lately my 5 year old son Sam has been 'ordering' me around & asking for things inappropriately... "Mommy get me a peanut butter sandwhich" ... "Mommy put the movie on NOOOOOOW" ... or after I ask him to put his school stuff away for the third time "Mom just forget about that okay..." followed by the bathroom door being slammed in my face. It's funny... he's like this little tough guy but then as soon as I push open the door and give him the stare he crumples... "I'll do it after I pee okay Mommy"... with the puppy dog, now I'm scared, I don't want to get in trouble eyes. I LOVE how they test their boundaries!! So over the weekend following another demand to put on a movie I decided to ask him... "Sam, what do you think mom's are for?" Now it was a bit difficult to get his attention because he was anxious for a movie to be "put on" but I sat him down and asked again. This is what came out of that conversation...

Mom's are for...

"Focusing kids & patience & for that we ask for things properly" 
... and ... 
"If you don't be patient & listen you'll be in trouble"

I then went on to ask what would happen if he didn't have a mother... and he quite clearly was certain that "bad guys will come".

I then decided that given the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday I would ask him what he was thankful for. "What's thankful mean?" he asks. So I re-worded the question... "What do you have to say thank you for that makes you happy?" To which he replied... "To watch a movie!"


Jenne said...

I love the stories about your kids! I love your blog too! Very funny! I also love you!

AC said...

I concur!