Sunday, October 17, 2010

Juliet & Samisms

My kids are cute. They think they have it all figured out. I absolutely adore childhood innocence.  

Juliet is cute because she doesn't have teachers, she has "ladies"...  

"Mommy where is my lady?" wondering where her swimming instructor was... 

"I'm going to show my ladies at school tomorrow..." 

"Sammy is that your lady?""... too cute.

Sam is cute because he thinks he was once everything he is not now... "Mommy did I have one of those when I was a girl?" ... or that people will sometime be what they aren't now... for instance when he is all grown up papa & I will be babies.

Juliet is cute because she thinks that she will live in her bedroom forever. And when she has REAL babies.. they will sleep in her spare bed... and papa & I will just be sleeping in our room. Sam thinks he will be the dad.. and Juliet will be the mom. We'll have to touch up on that lesson at a later date....

I don't think Sam realizes that loving someone covers liking them too... because it's always "Mommy I love you and I like you".

My kids are cute because they speak 2 languages and it's sometimes at the same time...

Juliet: "Alex where you s'en va?" or "C'est mine"

Or not exactly in the correct tense...

Juliet: "Papa est-ce-que ca c'est a ton?"



Holly said...

OMG! They are so cute. That's funny about Sam thinking he once was something he isn't now. I remember constantly telling prople when I was little, "A long time ago, when I was grown up, I did(had/was/said)..." There's some strange process going on there. I'm not sure what it means but it's interesting, and super funny!

Stephanie said...

They are the cutest. Chase always tells me that I will be a dad when I'm bigger. Hmm, maybe then I'll get to take naps on the couch after dinner :)